Volunteer Essentials Volunteer Essentials 2015-16 - Updated 5/31/17 | Seite 153

Examples of money‐earning activities that can be approved :
Making / Selling
* Bake sale
* Baked goods
Book or bike fair
Car wash
Craft items
Holiday cards
* Dinner
Back‐to‐School kits
Letter writing ( from Santa )
Gift baskets
Plays or concert
Leaf raking
Your own cookbook
Penny fair
Scheduled walking tour
White elephant sale
Face painting
Party favors
Holiday social
Recycling ( ink cartridges , etc .)
* Seasonal festival
Birthday party planning
Gingerbread houses
Community scavenger hunt
Grow / sell plants
Council sponsored programs – please contact programadmin @ gswpa . org
* All activities involving food must be prepared in a commercial kitchen under the supervision of a certified food handler . Items requiring refrigeration must be kept in appropriate approved refrigeration . The activities must also comply with appropriate money‐earning standards , guidelines and activity checkpoints as stated in Safety Activity Checkpoints .
Examples of money‐earning activities that will not be approved :
� Games of chance , including Bingo , raffles , auctions , and strip tickets ( 50 / 50 ) � Product demonstrations ( i . e ., Avon , Mary Kay , Tupperware , Pampered Chef , Candle parties , etc ) � Sales that generate profits for or endorse a specific company ( i . e ., Sarris , M & M , Pizza Hut , Giant Eagle , etc .), such as selling products for a company or hosting “ Girl Scout ” nights at a company which generate profit
� Direct solicitations for cash ( exception for Gold Award Projects ), including social media , crowdsourcing , website solicitations ( kickstarter , indiegogo for example ) and foundation grants � Internet sales of any type � Raising money for other organizations . Girls may choose to donate a portion of their troop funds to another worthy organization , but may not directly fundraise for other organizations . � Reminder , the GSUSA Blue Book of Basic Documents states that “ Girl members may not engage in any direct solicitation for money .”
� For example : Girls may sell tickets to GSWPA‐approved money‐earning events like a dance , but may not participate in any “ thons ” where people are asked to pledge money for hours danced , miles walked , etc . This is direct solicitation of charitable donations and is not permitted .
Please see www . gswpa . org for information on Bronze , Silver and Gold money‐earning guidelines . SERVICE UNITS :
Service units may have one fundraiser per year if they held a cookie rally in the previous Girl Scout year . All additional money‐earning procedures must be followed . Events with a money earning component must follow these procedures . For example , a Thinking Day event with a bake sale .