Volunteer Essentials 2014-15 | Page 86

Girls estimate costs based on plans. Girls determine the amount of group dues (if any) and the scope of money-earning projects. Girls set goals for and participate in council-sponsored product sales. Girls carry out budgeting, planning, and group money-earning projects. Girls budget for extended travel, Take Action projects, and leadership projects. Girls may be involved in seeking donations for Take Action projects, with council approval. Girls keep their own financial records and give reports to parents and group volunteers. Girls budget for Take Action projects, including the Girl Scout Silver or Gold Awards, if they are pursuing them. When collaborating with any other organization, keep these additional guidelines in mind:     Avoiding fundraising for other organizations: Girl Scouts are not allowed, when identifying ourselves as Girl Scouts (such as wearing a uniform, a sash or vest, official pins, and so on), to solicit money on behalf of another organization. This includes participating in a walkathon or telethon while in uniform. You and your group can, however, support another organization through Take Action projects or by making a donation from your group’s account. And Girl Scouts as individuals are able to participate in whatever events they choose, as long as they’re not wearing anything that officially identifies them as “Girl Scouts.” Steering clear of political fundraisers: When in an official Girl Scout capacity or in any way identifying yourselves as Girl Scouts, your group may not participate (directly or indirectly) in any political campaign or work on behalf of or in opposition to a candidate for public office. Letter-writing campaigns are not allowed, nor is participating in a political rally, circulating a petition, or carrying a political banner. Being respectful when collaborating with religious organizations: Girl Scout groups must respect the opinions and practices of religious partners, but no girl should be required to take part in any religious observance or practice of the sponsoring group. Avoid ing selling or endorsing commercial products: “Commercial products” are any products sold at retail. Since 1939, girls and volunteers have not been allowed to endorse, provide a testimonial for, or sell such products. 82