Volunteer Essentials 2014-15 | Page 63

     It’s okay to offer assistance to a girl with a disability, but wait until your offer is accepted before you begin to help. Listen closely to any instructions the person may have. Leaning on a girl’s wheelchair is invading her space and is considered annoying and rude. When speaking to a girl who is deaf and using an interpreter, speak to the girl, not to the interpreter. When speaking for more than a few minutes to a girl who uses a wheelchair, place yourself at eye level. When greeting a girl with a visual disability, always identify yourself and others. You might say, “Hi, it’s Sheryl. Tara is on my right, and Chris is on my left.” Girls with cognitive disabilities can be registered as closely as possible to their chronological ages. They wear the uniform of that grade level. Make any adaptations for the girl to ongoing activities of the grade level to which the group belongs. Young women with cognitive disorders may choose to retain their girl membership through their 21st year, and then move into an adult membership category. 59