Volunteer Essentials 2014-15 | Page 45

If you’re working with girls who want to host an event—large or small—be sure girls are leading the eventplanning, instead of sitting by passively while you or another adult plans the event. To get girls started, ask them to think about the following questions:                          What sort of event do we have in mind? Who is our intended audience? Does the audience have to be invited, or can anyone come? What’s our main topic or focus? What’s our objective—what do we hope to accomplish at the end of the day? Will one or more speakers need to be invited? If so, who? How do we find speakers? Where will the event take place? Is there a charge for this venue? Is the venue large enough to accommodate the audience? Do we have to obtain permission to use this venue? If so, from whom? Are there adequate facilities for the audience? If not, how much will extra portable toilets cost, and how many do we need? Is there adequate parking or a drop-off point for girls? Do we need tables? chairs? podiums? microphones? speakers? What sort of entertainment will we provide? Will we provide or sell refreshments? If so, what kinds? How many chaperones will we need? Who will we ask? What emergency care do we need to plan for? Is the event large enough that local police and fire departments need to be notified? Do we need to purchase additional insurance for non–Girl Scouts? How will we advertise the event? What decorations will we use? Will we give away any keepsakes? Will we charge for the event? Who will set up the event? Who will clean up after the event? How will we determine whether the event was a success? Choose some of these questions as a guide to start conversations with girls. Ideas for girl-led events with family, friends, and community experts are also available in the Leadership Journey adult guides! 41