Volunteer Essentials 2014-15 | Page 25

      providing guidance and information regarding Girl Scout group meetings with girls’ parents or guardians on a regular and ongoing basis through a variety of tools, including email, phone calls, newsletters, blogs, other forms of social media, and any other method you choose; processing and completing registration forms and other paperwork, such as permission slips; communicating effectively and delivering clear, organized, and vibrant presentations or information to an individual or the group; overseeing with honesty, integrity, and careful record-keeping the funds that girls raise; maintaining a close connection to your volunteer support team; facilitating a safe experience for every girl. With more than 95 percent of Girl Scouts’ “work force” comprised of volunteers who directly interact with girls or indirectly offer support behind-the-scenes, your support system is vital for success. The Volunteer Management System supports the growing variety of volunteer types and positions that leads to more volunteers guiding girls to make the world a better place. In your role as a Girl Scout volunteer, you’ll team up with co-volunteers, parents/guardians, members of the community, council staff, and others who have expressed interest in working alongside you. The adult guide of each Journey gives you tips and guidance for creating a friends-and-family network to support you all along the way. The other volunteers on your support team may help by:       filling in for you, arranging meeting places, being responsible for communicating with girls and caregivers, locating adults with special skills to facilitate a specialized meeting, assisting with trips and chaperoning, or managing group records. If you have a large support team, the first thing you’ll want to do is meet with this group and discuss what brought each of you to Girl Scouts, review your strengths and skills, and talk about how you would like to work together as a team. You might also discuss:  When important milestones will happen (Girl Scout cookie activities, field trips, travel plans, events, dates for other opportunities) and how long the planning process will take 21