Volunteer Essentials 2014-15 | Page 22

Get great ideas for your next meeting or take a training in your pajamas! By connecting with GSUSA and GSWPA online, there are tons of resources at your fingertips! Connect with GSUSA online at www.girlscouts.org, www.facebook.com/GirlScoutsUSA, www.twitter.com/girlscouts, and www.pinterest.com/GSUSA. Connect with GSWPA online at www.gswpa.org, www.facebook.com/GSWPA, www.pinterest.com/gswpa, www.twitter.com/GirlScoutsWPA. Social media is a popular way to connect with others. Our Facebook page for Girl Scout members, alumnae, volunteers, parents, and supporters of Girl Scouts Western Pennsylvania. We welcome interaction, discussion, commentary, questions and even criticism, but we ask that you keep your comments and posts relevant and respectful. GSWPA may remove any post or ban anyone who violates these guidelines. In particular, personal attacks, inappropriate language, spamming and excessive posting will not be tolerated. GSWPA reserves the right to remove posts advertising commercial products, as well as those that violate Facebook's terms of service, or are inaccurate or otherwise objectionable. Social Media sites like Facebook and Twitter are public sites. GSWPA is responsible only for the content on official pages. Please consider internet safety practices and use good judgment when reviewing and contributing to these sites. GSWPA schedules monthly webinars on a variety of topics for volunteers. Scheduled at lunchtime, these popular hour-long sessions give you time to learn and ask questions. Check out this year’s schedule or catch up on previous webinars at www.gswpa.org/volunteers/training-programs/online-webinar-self-study-guides/. Currently, there are three monthly e-newsletters produced by GSWPA: Lead On – sent in Jan., April, July, and Oct. to all registered adults and alumnae, focusing on opportunities and information for our adult members. Girls Online (G.O.!) – sent in Jan., March, May and Sept. to all parents and registered members and includes program updates, stories and other timely info. Indie Girls – sent monthly to all parents of individually registered Girl Scouts (girls participating in Girl Scouting who aren’t in troops). It’s designed to help Girl Scout families and Indie Girl-related volunteers navigate through the membership year. Share the great things your Girl Scouts are doing by submiting your story to your local newspapers, blogs and newsletters. Membership managers can assist by reviewing any articles or press releases and help to determine if this is good pre-press (if open to the public) or after-press. When troops or service units have a story that could be promoted through a larger media outlet (with circulation beyond local service unit outlets) such as radio or television stations, major newspapers, etc. or through council and GSUSA publications, please contact the PR Manager from the council at 1-800-248-3355 x 1427. If a station calls requesting that members in your service unit appear in a broadcast, please notify a council communications staff member who will prepare you for the broadcast, be present at the taping and assist you in signing media release forms. If contacted by any media in regard to a Girl Scout story or issue that is not related to an event, program, or 18