Volunteer Essentials 2014-15 | Page 200

1. Troops must complete the Trip/Camping & High-Risk Activity Application Form for all overnight stays at non-GSWPA owned campsites and return it to your assigned Membership staff for their approval. Check the GSWPA’s Web site at www.gswpa.org for sites that have been preapproved. Any sites not listed require a Site Safety Checklist as well as a Site Visit Form and a Certificate of Insurance, with the exception of the American Camp Association (ACA) accredited camp sites. All ACA accredited camp sites are automatically approved for use. 2. Review Safety Activity Checkpoints–Trip/Travel Camping and Group Camping and any activityspecific Safety Activity Checkpoints before planning any camping involving girls. 3. Sites must be approved at least eight (8) weeks in advance. 4. It is your responsibility to make your own reservation after approval. 5. The site should be inspected by a GSWPA staff member or a first-hand report obtained in advance to assess any hazards and the suitability of the site for troop camping. Safety Procedures  Provide an approved and registered volunteer currently certified in First Aid and CPR. Your troop first aider should check and stock first aid supplies. Coordinate with the first aider to ensure emergency transportation is available. Follow emergency transportation procedures as outlined on page 69 in Volunteer Essentials.  Provide an adult(s) with the required outdoor training.  Purchase additional insurance if the event is more than two nights (more than three nights if one of the three nights falls on a legal holiday) or if any non-members attend.  Review H\