Volunteer Essentials 2014-15 | Page 172

Troops/groups may use checks and/or debit cards as necessary. Service units may also maintain a debit card to assist individual girls with registration and/or for purchases and activities related to service unit’s programs and events. 1. Only one debit card will be permitted per troop. Only one person’s name may be on this debit card. This is the only person who may use the debit card. 2. If the volunteer assigned the debit card is no longer a member of the troop or service team, the card must be turned in to the service unit finance manager (or service unit manager or membership staff if the service unit finance manager position is not filled), the bank notified, and the card destroyed. A new card may be issued (via the bank) and assigned to that troop. The new cardholder must follow all previously stated policies. 3. The debit card can only be used for point of sale purchases, reservation or online purchases as needed. THE DEBIT CARD CANNOT BE USED TO WITHDRAW CASH FROM ATM MACHINES OR FOR CASH BACK WITH PURCHASES. Using the debit card for cash can result in the loss of the card. 4. If the troop/group is audited, all itemized receipts related to debit card purchases must be provided. 5. Council reserves the right to modify or revoke this procedure as necessary. 168