Volunteer Essentials 2014-15 | Page 168

Date ADULT HEALTH HISTORY Adult name Address Street City State Name of family physician Zip Phone INSURANCE INFORMATION Is the participant covered by family medical/hospital insurance? If so, indicate carrier or plan name Yes No Group # HEALTH HISTORY List any physical or behavioral conditions that may affect or limit full participation in Girl Scout activities: Allergies (medication, food or other) RESTRICTIONS – The following restrictions apply to this individual:  Does not eat red meat  Does not eat shellfish  Allergy to latex  Does not eat pork  Does not eat eggs  Does not eat dairy products  Does not eat poultry  Does not eat peanuts  Allergy to stinging insects  Other Medications being taken (prescription and over-the-counter) In case of an emergency, please notify: Emergency contact name Relationship Phone-Day ( ) Evening ( ) Evening ( ) Emergency contact name Relationship Phone-Day ( ) Participant’s signature Date 164