Volunteer Essentials 2014-15 | Page 153

STOP If any trip lasts longer than two (2) overnights and/or any non-members are attending, you will need to purchase additional activity insurance. For more information, please refer to the Additional Activity Insurance Procedure. HIGH-RISK ACTIVITIES – For more information, review the Safety Activity Checkpoints for your activity. Please refer to the High-Risk Activity Procedure for special instructions regarding the approval process for these activities and age restrictions.  Horseback riding stables  Hayride  Target sports (archery)  Gymnastics facility  Snow sports (skiing/tubing/sledding)  Target sports (firearms)  High-adventure outfitters  Transportation/bus companies Watercraft/rentals/outfitters  Challenge/rope/climbing course  Activities with motorized vehicles (such as jet ski’s/go-carts)  *Non-commercial aircraft (such as helicopters, non-tethered hot air balloons)  Swimming/water sports *Please refer to the High-Risk Activity Procedure for activities not permitted. For High-Risk Activities—A current certificate of liability insurance:  Attached  file with GSWPA—please check GSWPA website for a list of certificates already on file which can be found on the On Volunteer page under “Places To Go”. For more information, please refer to the Certificates of Insurance Procedure CERTIFIED/TRAINED ADULTS – Must be present at all times AND submit copies of certifications/training cards with this form. Lifeguards MUST have their certifications and photo identification on their person while they are lifeguarding. First-aid certified adult Exp Date CPR certified adult Exp Date Travel Trained adult __________________________________________Course Date_________ Outdoor 101 trained adult Course Date Basic Camping Skills trained adult Basic Tent and Yurt Camping Skills Course Date Course Date Other certifications (Lifeguard, Archery, Watercraft, Low Ropes Challenge Course or Outdoor trainings attended prior to 2008) Adult Course Name Exp Date Adult Course Name Exp Date TRANSPORTATION – Refer to the Transportation Procedure for ALL transportation requirements.  Car(s):  Rental vehicle  Bus/tour company name For Bus/tour companies—A current certificate of liability insurance ($5 million minimum) is required:  Attached  file with GSWPA—please check website. For more information, please refer to the On Transportation Procedure and the Certificates of Insurance Procedure EMERGENCY CONTACT The emergency contact must be able to be reached during the activity/trip, hold participant information and notify parents/guardians of delays, emergencies, cancellations, etc. Emergency contact name: Phone-Day Evening Address Street City State Zip SIGNATURE AND APPROVAL  I verify that we will review and comply with the Safety Activity Checkpoints Troop/Group Leader Signature for these activities/trips: Date APPROVAL– For council use only: Date received Date approved Signature of membership staff If application for camping at a non-council owned site:  Outdoor Program Director approval - non-council owned site: Date approved ___________ Signature_________________ 149