Volunteer Essentials 2014-15 | Page 151

This list will be updated throughout the year. 5. GSWPA requires Certificates of Insurance with at least $1,000,000 of insurance coverage from facilities and $5,000,000 from transportation/bus companies. Verify that a Certificate of Insurance is on file with Girl Scouts Western Pennsylvania. Check the GSWPA Web site, Volunteer section, for “Places To Go” already on file before requesting a certificate from a company. 6. If a Certificate of Insurance is not on file for a high-risk activity, one must be requested by the volunteer from the facility or transportation/bus company. A sample request letter can be found on the Volunteer Web site “Places To Go” page with all necessary details included. 7. Forward the completed Trip & High-Risk Activity Application and any additional required paperwork (i.e., Additional Insurance Request Form with payment, or Certificates of Insurance) to your Membership staff person for approval and signature at least eight (8) weeks in advance of the activity. Membership staff will send the approved or denied form back to the troop/group leader via email or mail within two (2) weeks of receipt of a properly and fully completed application in the council office. 8. Membership staff will approve/deny request or contact volunteer for further information. If approved, your membership staff will forward any additional insurance requests with payment to: GSWPA, Additional Insurance Request, 30 Isabella Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15212 for processing. 9. Special instructions: For flights in non-commercial aircraft, such as small, private planes, helicopters, sailplanes, untethered hot air balloons and blimps Requirements for requests that include flights in non-commercial aircraft, such as small, private planes, helicopters, sailplanes, untethered hot air balloons and blimps will be reviewed by the council executive team and must include:  Trip & High-Risk Activity Application  Certificate of Insurance from service provider  Parent permission forms  Written description of desired educational outcomes  Completed Hold Harmless Form Forward your request with required paperwork to your membership staff contact 12 weeks in advance of the flight activity. This time frame allows us to ensure the safety of all participants and for the purchase of additional liability insurance. Membership staff will forward request within seven (7) days of receipt to the council executive team. The request will be reviewed by the council executive team within two (2) weeks of the date of submission. A written response will be mailed to the requestor within two (2) days of a determination. Please refrain from finalizing your plans until you have received approval. The response may be one of the following:  Approved  Denied  Approved with revisions – This may occur if the insurance cost to the council is ineffective for the amount of girls being served. In this case, council may request a participant cost increase for the program to be approved. 147