Volunteer Essentials 2014-15 | Page 115

ANNUAL VOLUNTEER AGREEMENT This agreement outlines the mutual responsibilities of Girl Scouts Western Pennsylvania and its volunteers. All positions are a one year appointment. Name Address E-mail Street Day Phone Service Unit City Evening State Zip Cell Troop/Group The council agrees to:  Provide the volunteer with a copy of our policies and procedures  Provide a position description, an appointment letter, and a volunteer agreement  Provide a welcome session outlining the position, the council, and the organization.  Offer learning opportunities with relevant position training  Provide ongoing support, guidance, feedback, on performance  Provide an annual volunteer assessment survey assessing volunteer experience  Give recognition for contributions to the council and Girl Scouting The volunteer agrees to:  Register as a member of the Girl Scouts organization and comply with membership requirements  Successfully complete the Volunteer Application process  Provide information to update application and contact information as changes occur  Provide updated information that may affect background screening results  Participate in council and GSUSA orientations within three months of signing agreement  Meet with appropriate groups/teams as agreed for ongoing support and evaluation  Support the Girl Scout mission and values, as well as the council activities and goals  Comply with the policies, safety guidelines, and procedures of the council and GSUSA  Affirm that the Girl Scout organization welcomes members of diverse demographics (race, ethnicity, age, sex, socioeconomic, veteran, etc.)  Acknowledge that the volunteer position is voluntary and that the Girl Scout organization does not provide monetary compensation GSWPA reserves the right to immediately dismiss and restrict participation of any volunteer based on the severity of incident. This agreement should be reviewed, signed and dated annually. Volunteer Signature Date Volunteer Supervisor 111 Date www.gswpa.org