Volunteer 4 Action July/August. 2014 | Page 16

"With great power comes

great responsibility"

At the Malcolm Jenkins event I did my first volunteer work. It was something new to me but I enjoyed it alot. it is always nice to help people who need help because it makes you feel good about yourself. There were people that was volunteering that looked like they have been doing it for a long time. While I was there I seen a few people I look up to, like Steven A. Smith. Steven A. Smith is a talk show host on E.S.P.N. He hosts my favorite show on E.S.P.N, I watch it everyday I even got a chance to take pictures with him. I even got to see some football players play for the eagles that was very exciting for me. I wouldn't mind doing volunteer work again. Also this could opened up doors to potiental jobs after this summer programs I met many people who had job opportunites. All around I really enjoyed myself at the Malcolmn Jenkins event.

-Keith Harmon