Volume - V Issue - V Season 3 Volume - V Issue - V Season 3 | Page 20

Author 4 Author 1 Author 2 Author 3 Author 6 Author 5 Author 8 Author 7 ”A SIXTEENTH CENTURY BUILDING IS AS WORTHY OF PRESERVING AS CHEESE “ !!! - CARLO PETRINI FOOD AND HERITAGE ITALY PIZZA THE NUMBER ONE ITALIAN FOOD KNOWN WORLDWIDE: Pizza is an oven-baked flat bread generally topped with tomato sauce and cheese. It is commonly supplemented with a selection of meats, vegetables and dressings. The modern pizza was invented in Naples, Italy, and the dish and its variants have become popular in many areas of the world. Pizza is sold fresh, frozen or in portions. Various types of ovens are used to cook it and many varieties exist. Several similar dishes are prepared from ingredients commonly used in pizza preparation, such as calzone and stromboli.. By- GIOIA KRASTI Milano EXPO 2015 Spices A truly sensorial experience awaits vi sitors as they step into the World of Spices Cluster. Here, they can follow the spice routes, across continents, via land and sea. enjoying their aromas, thinking about ways to use spices as cooking ingredients, medicinal remedies, or cosmetics . All over the world, spices are grown, harvested, and used in many ways, as cooking ingredients, as well as for medicinal or cosmetic purposes. This exhibition focuses on the spices that originate from the countries belonging to this Cluster. The typical desserts of Triest. Trieste is a multicultural city, and for this reason there are cakes for every occasion. We want to talk about three desserts in different occasions. We start from the most popular sweet in this period that is carnival: crostoli, are very light and made with a special pastry, fried in a special way to give the characteristic fragrance. From Carnival to Easter means from crostoli to pizza. This kind of cake is well known in Trieste, in the Veneto and Trentino but with a different recipe depending on location. In Autumn are the traditional sweet beans, the sweets of the dead. By- CHIARA GRASSI 20 PICTURE 1