Spring Break: A Special Time of Year
Dr. John-Mark Cain
Lauderdale County School District
Traditionally, Spring Break has signaled the leap into a new season for schools. The weather begins to warm, the grass grows greener, but the academic focus also becomes more narrowed. Our admins and teachers have honed in on skills our students need to revisit, reteach, and demonstrate mastery for moving forward. Our schools and our students were reprieved from the pressures of high-stakes testing in the past, but we can now once again prepare for them to be a portion of our annual goals and profession.
The results from the Junior ACT will be received in a few weeks, while the WorkKeys results were near all-time highs, with 68.1% scoring Silver or above on the assessment.
The results from the Junior ACT will be received in a few weeks, while the WorkKeys results were near all-time highs, with 68.1% scoring Silver or above on the assessment. This is a great key point for workforce readiness in our county.
Our Southeast High School Boys Basketball team made history this past week with its first-ever State Championship appearance. Our Tigers fell short, but their grit and determination are to be commended. It was also a pleasure to see all the community support there and at our elementary school as we celebrated “Read Across America” throughout the country. Our district enjoyed all the parent support and the volunteers who we had to visit.
Finally, the LCSD made history this past week with the “Flip the Switch” ceremony held at NEMS. This ceremony marked the official beginning of our 688 Solar Panel farm on the campus, generating upwards of 60% of the campus' consumption. This installation is the largest on any K12 campus in Mississippi. It is just another way we are progressing as a district and demonstrating # LCSDExcellence.