Moving Forward!
Dr. John-Mark Cain
Lauderdale County School District
The holidays are behind us, and we are feverishly moving forward for the remaining semester. Our schools are still feeling the impact of the most recent coronavirus variant, but we have been blessed to be able to remain open for business. We are continuing our mitigation efforts and keeping students connected digitally when absent or quarantined.
Our teachers and administrators continue to learn and build capacity with a variety of new tools that are helping us focus our time and efforts in supporting students. Athletics are in full swing, and our outdoor spring sports are just around the crner.
Congratulations! Our students performed extremely well in The Meridian Star- Lauderdale County Spelling Bee, as we had winners place from each community school.
We are extremely excited about our state leadership recognizing the tremendous work our teachers and assistant teachers have put in and are looking at passing a substantial pay raise for their yeoman efforts.
As the week of February 7th-11th arrives, help us to celebrate our school counselors and all they do during National School Counselor Week.
Thank you for your continued support of #LCSDExcellence!
Dr. John-Mark Cain