Volume 8 Leadership Edition Alyssa Walke - Blyss Beauty | Page 71

Let ’ s ClimbBy Jennifer

ave you ever heard the saying , “ You are not successful if you don ’ t have haters ” or “ Haters hate because your success highlights their failures ? Yes , that may be true , or it could be just plain envy . The truth of the matter is not everyone will be supportive of your dreams or see your service or product as valuable . Does that mean they are a hater and does it even matter ? I would say no to both questions .
There is a difference between a person who chooses to support you versus the one who uses the air they breathe to attempt to persuade others not to support you . Now those are the people I consider haters , and we all know someone like that . Hopefully it ’ s not the person looking at you in the mirror .
I personally don ’ t like the word “ hate ” ; it indicates a lack of leadership . True leadership is wanting and encouraging the good in others , and the definition of hate is the complete opposite .
Leah Remillett , said it best , “ Haters don ’ t hate you … The reality is they fear that they will never be able to get where you are right now .”
It is unfortunate that the concept of “ hater ” exists , and it sounds silly at a time when people have the nerve to judge , devalue , discredit , downplay or speak against the improvements of others ; So I would suggest that we , as leaders , begin corrective action … stay refreshed so as to not become a hater .
It ’ s simple , you can ’ t be a leader and a hater at the same time , therefore stay aware and away from negative energy . Understand how not to be a hater and what to do when you encounter one and most importantly , ignore haters as they are only around to distract you from winning . You must learn how to recognize the different types of haters and most importantly , how to deal with them .
When these 3 areas are mastered , new levels and opportunities will present themselves because you are no longer concerned with what others think . Negative opinions add no value to the table and the distraction chains are broken . Who you are when no one is looking determines true leadership ; it is called integrity . Using your value and professional influence should be used to uplift and inspire instead of discrediting and damaging . So , are you a hater or are you a leader ?
How not to be a hater . 1 . Be ok with making a sacrifice for what you want . Plan and be strategic about your moves . 2 . Work on your own personal development , which means investing in your personal wellbeing . ( Mind , Body & Soul ) 3 . Avoid people who speak negatively or complain often . Watch the company you keep . 4 . Be upfront and honest about your feelings , no harboring ill-will allowed .
Release negative feelings immediately . 5 . Focus on the good things in your life and celebrate milestones along the way .
How do you deal with Haters ? 1 . Be honest and upfront with them about how you feel . 2 . Ask yourself if it matters and understand that not all battles are yours . 3 . Believe in yourself , faith and perseverance triumphs over hate any day .
Now , don ’ t hate . Meditate . Work on you ! Invest in you and deal with issues face to face , hiding your insecurities gets you nowhere .
Let ’ s Climb Together

— Jennifer Yon

Are you ready to act on your ideas ? Contact Jennifer Yon Agency to schedule your business brainstorming consultation today . Mention IBA Success for a complimentary 30-minute consult . pr @ jenniferyon . com n https :// letsmeet . io / jenniferyonagency / discovery-business-consult