न त्वेवाहं जातु नासं न त्वं नेमे जनािधपाः ।
न चैव न भिवष्यामः सवेर् वयमतः परम् � Never was there a time when I did not exist , nor you , nor all these kings ; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be . �
( Srimadbhagvat Geeta : Chapter 1 Verse 12 )
Love Self , then Love him / her , Love the universe / Light / Lord .
Earthly love is the glimpse of that Light which every being craves . However ! Humans ’ have a tendency to complicate things . So first we resolve and dissolve our Karmic connections and then somehow may be in this birth or may be many birth later we meet that sparkle from Light . Even then we may miss it , by miracle of our head ; when was the last time we listened to our heart ….. I mean really - really listened to our heart .
How will you find him / her . Be ruthlessly yourself and see if you like you . If your answer is yes Wow !! you are about to meet him / her if no , then find out what you need to do to like ‘ YOU ’….. and no , I am not talking about image portrayal or facades or what you think you are ( Its easiest and most common to lie to yourself ) so be with just you , only you , rip all personalities — Nobody is seeing you , nobody knows its between ‘ you ’ and ‘ you ’.
Its time to find you , cause when you were born you were in love with yourself . So what happened now ? Take a piece of paper ; write on it , My Goal - Find myself …. Do whatever guidance comes to your way , after this one simple declaration . It could be inspiration to start doing something , or to leave some habits . Whatever it is ?…. Allow your intuitions to put it forth . Go by the dictate of your inner core . You will be on the right path .