Volume 48 | Page 15

In combination, these declines raise questions regarding the needs of the public being met to the same standard they were prior to COVID-19. www.AmericanSecurityToday.com September 2020 - Edition New types of enforcement actions relating to face covering orders, shelter in place orders, and policing newly-designated essential and non-essential businesses are among the roles that were absent before this health crisis. In so doing, law enforcement has been placed in an unenviable role of having to enforce pandemic-related rules that are opposed by some vocal constituencies. Interestingly, while facial covering has been encouraged to rehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzF_g5QK2PE&feature=emb_logo (For well over 100 consecutive nights to date, Portland protesters have faced off in often vi- olent clashes with local police, and more recently, federal agents. Courtesy of CBC News and YouTube. Posted Jul 26, 2020.) 15