Volume 48 | Page 12

www.AmericanSecurityToday.com September 2020 - Edition 48 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8C6aENQ5Vg&feature=emb_logo (Chicago police claim they will shift more officers to focus on community policing in neighborhoods across the city following a successful pilot program on the North- west Side. Courtesy of WGN News and YouTube. Posted on Aug 20, 2020.) As crime often goes unreport- ed—as demonstrated by often large disparities between re- ported crimes and crime victim surveys—the importance of com- munity policing to capture this gap is crucial. Against this backdrop, access to police departments has de- clined so that physical accessi- bility and connection by the public to police has dropped. Also, less community policing means that the police’s under- standing of the communities they serve is diminished. As such, reduced knowledge 12