Volume 44 - No. 3 | Page 3

The recovery in newspapers and textbooks

Shaking off the pandemic trauma

The sun has broken out in Delhi for the past week or so and it has warmed up a bit . It feels like spring as both the print industry and the individuals who are a part of it , try to shake off the trauma of the pandemic . Most of us have survived and are full of hope and looking for the so-called green shoots of spring – for industry revival .

In the past 22 or 23 months , we have learned to moderate our optimism with realism and the reality that the pandemic may not be over , but the need of the industry to get up and walk and run is so great that it cannot wait . And some of the good news that this issue contains is that the Indian print industry ( not just packaging ) is back .
New machines are being installed ( at least digital presses ) and the commercial book printers are busy with textbooks as schools have opened at least in the major metros . However , the commercial printers in smaller cities and towns are still waiting for work – their machines are at a standstill for the past six months .
The newspaper industry is also back and taking part in the economic recovery . While circulations and advertising of the large dailies have not recovered fully and might not for a long time , there is an overall optimism as the economy and the face-to-face segments of retail , entertainment , travel , and events , restart .
The ongoing elections in several states are also helping dailies with their political advertising . And although the courts have requested the news media not to carry ‘ paid news ’ or ‘ advertorials ’ this edict is unfortunately likely to be ignored . Even many of the bigger news organizations continue to demonstrate a mixture of greed and ignorance with impunity .
The digital transformation of the larger news organizations is also being taken more seriously . The number of major dailies that are investing human and financial resources to make analytics and digital subscriptions work has increased markedly in the past two years . At the same time , we have reliably heard that some of the larger news organizations have streamlined their front office operations in an attempt to dispense with the inessential layers . Trimming the fat , was in some cases , long overdue .
Dailies in the smaller towns that depend on local ads and government libraries and patronage are also back in business . The few we have talked to , have not closed down and demonstrate the continued Indian fascination with small and local news publishing .
Gandhi and refashioning the history of the freedom movement
A newspaper report of MK Gandhi ’ s arrest in Bombay on the sedition charge in 1922 . Gandhi was sentenced to 6 years in prison but released after 2 years for medical reasons . Photo Wikkicommons
Despite a large section of the news media falling prey to unabashed praise of the central government and the ruling party , the most remarkable experience of the past two years is the resilience of journalists , editors , and publishers in continuing to speak out and contradict the counter-factual narratives of the government . This is not limited to the alternative or digital media platforms .
Innumerable news organizations across regions and languages have challenged the government on its lies about its mistaken proclamation of the end of the pandemic , on the oxygen shortages and Covid-19 deaths and burials on the river banks in April and May 2021 . They continue to report the facts on the false imprisonment of journalists , on the protection of politicians who are party to heinous crimes and their coverups , and to the government ’ s use of the Israeli Pegasus hacking software against journalists and citizens in violation of the constitution , and then , stonewalling the Supreme Court .
An example of the news media speaking out is Shyam Saran ’ s forthright column in the Business Standard of 16 February 2022 , ‘ Amrit Mahotsav without Gandhi .’ Saran considers the attempt by the central government to celebrate the country ’ s seventy-fifth independence anniversary while belittling the role of Gandhi among other leaders of the freedom movement . “ Gandhi ’ s message is both relevant and compelling today ,” Saran writes . And , after citing several of Gandhi ’ s writings on the hankering after wealth and the destruction of nature , he ends his column by saying , “ One hopes that in refashioning the history of India ’ s freedom struggle , this most precious of its legacies does not fall prey to the politics of the moment .”
– Naresh Khanna , editor @ ippgroup . in
Indian Printer & Publisher | 1 March 2022