Volume #37 Issue #5 | Page 6

Pajero Club : President ’ s Report

September 2019
I ’ d like to start with saying a grateful thank you to Neil and the committee for their tireless work over the last two years . Many activities were focused on during that time , all with the goal to grow the Club and provide support for our off-road interests .
Our new committee is a mix of tremendous experience and new members , all helping keep the Club active and ready for challenges yet to come our way . Thanks also to Doug Hammerton and his Annual General Meeting ( AGM ) team that ran the 2020 AGM like clockwork . The management and processing integrity of proxy voting was very important to ensure a valid AGM and committee election could be declared .
This last year has been extraordinary , all due to the Covid-19 pandemic . As much as I miss Club trips , meetings and friendships , I ’ m sure our legendary Aussie spirit will lift us all up again . I ’ m expecting we may see some of the cleanest cars and newest mods there have been in years !
The much-anticipated September 13 conclusion of Stage-4 lockdown is approaching but may again be extended , or at least in a small number of areas incrementally reduced , so we are striving to do a number of things to keep the club running and ensure your membership fees continue to generate value for you :
� Our Driver Training Unit has risen to the occasion by running theory-based courses online . Stay tuned for more soon .
� Members are responding to the ‘ Show Us Your Paj ’ call for videos of our cars and some of their unique modifications .
� The Committee has paid attention to member feedback and are planning to host ‘ Virtual Trips ’ where Trip Leaders can talk about some of their memorable trips and have members planning on leading trips able to ask questions . � Club General and Committee Meetings are run online � Accounting management has been simplified , providing reports more easily understood . � In the background , the Committee is working on documenting procedures to ensure the knowledge required to run our Club is retained for the next generations of members and committees . � Information Technology work continues , ensuring the knowledge to support systems our Club uses are relevant and more easily maintained .
To keep our Club strong and relevant , the committee will continue to focus on what can be done to make the Club better . There was no shortage of ideas and discussion in the first new committee meeting , for what will come over the next year .
Vital to continual improvement is the support from members on sub-committees - any capacity you can spare for these will be greatly appreciated . Remember that career skill you use without thinking ? Could that help a sub-committee ? You may surprise yourself with what a team of volunteers can achieve and the personal satisfaction that goes with it . Please call or email me , or any of our committee , with your suggestions .
Terry Barbie # 1906 – President Email : president @ pajeroclub . com . au