Pajero 4WD Club of Victoria Inc.
Covid-19 Impact
The Club has been unable to run trips, courses or meetings for several months, although
some trips have restarted. From a budget perspective this affects both income (raffles,
catering, DTU course fees) and expenses (raffles, catering, venue hire, DTU expenses). Many
other expenses continue regardless. To give the Committee information budget modelling
was completed in which it was assumed we would not be able to run trips, courses or
meetings until October. While this may now be seeming conservative, this was a reasonable
expectation at that time, and it is still unclear when meetings and training can recommence.
The first model showed a loss $5,500 with fees remaining at $150. To not make a loss meant
fees of about $190. 4WD Victoria then informed us of a credit on the affiliation fees of $20
per membership, although the insurance component is still unknown.
Obviously, a reduction in fees would simply increase the loss for the year. For example, if we
had halved fees to $75 then (without 4WD Vic subsidy) a loss of $23,466 was predicted.
Taking into account:
1. Significant losses made over the past few years and reduction in financial reserves;
2. The impact on the budget due the Covid-19 situation;
3. Understanding that Club members are not able to attend normal activities;
4. It is important to maintain a strong financial position should there be another financial
shock in the near future;
the Committee decided to maintain the set fee level of $150 but provide a credit to all
members of $30 on their annual fees.
The budget finally approved at the April Committee meeting plans for a loss in 2020-21 of
about $7,600. This is contrary to both the first and third budget principles set out above but
appropriate for the existing situation. This resulted in the annual fees set out below.
If you have any questions
about the budget please
contact the treasurer or any
other Committee member.
Years of
Annual Fee Covid-19
Fees Due
1 June 2020
Less Than 10 $150 $30 $120
10-20 $135 $30 $105
20-30 $120 $30 $90
30+ $105 $30 $75
By Ian Fieldhouse #1888