volume #1 volume #1 | Page 9

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Consumerism might as well be considered a mental illness, it is constantly on the minds of most people in the first or second class, we arent getting back to nature or back to our roots we are getting further away from where we came from and closer and closer to where we will end up.

Constant images of luxury cars, nice bags, the latest watch, new games and a brand new phone that has fingerprint lockscreen capabilities. what more could you want?

Maybe to fill that deep void in your chest the one that is only temporarily filled with materialistic items. We have grown up learning to love things and use people when it should really be the other way round and it is significantly impacting our health.

Jean twenge a professor of psychology and her colleagues did a study on data collected between 1938 and 2007 on the mental health and personality of more than 63,000 high school and college students and found that high school and college students feel much more isolated, misunderstood and emotionally sensitive and or unstable, teens today are more likely to be narcissistic, have poor self-control and to say they're worried, sad, and dissatisfied with life.

These personality descriptions of teenagers today is scary and is as a result of more focus being put on what you have rather than the values of relationships between parents and friendship groups that can all support you.

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