vol.1 Virtual Magazine issue2 | Page 8

Hello and Welcome Back to the second issue of Virtual You Magazine.

It has been a great surprise to us to see that our first issue had a very good appeal and success to all of you, counting at the very moment over 2000 viewers. We thank you very much for that and we hope you find the second issue as interesting to you as the first one.

Our aim continues the same: presenting Second Life aspects of life, your ideas and thoughts, your worries and stories, everything coming from Real people who enjoy with their own unique way this virtual reality.

Due to RL obligations we needed to rush and finalize this issue as well, hope you will enjoy it.

On this issue we make an attempt to show in few lines, what is Virtual Reality and how this may affect our real world, we present you to special and unique locations in SL, we show art and photography by Narcozz Harcassle and we launch the in-house magazine “Re Start” that will host Real and Second life issues that might makes us think over them again.

Don’t forget to ZOOM in any photo or text in case this doesn’t come clear to you.

Virtual You Magazine is an adult magazine, if you are not an adult STOP here. As already stated in forst issue, we are not a pornographic magazine but we point real facts happening in a virtual reality.

For any comments contact any member of our staff of myself. Thank you once more !!