You know how when things happen in life and you have nowhere to turn? That’s where I was. Coming out of a divorce that ripped my heart out, one that I have yet to fully recover from, still hurts to this day and I was determined that I would enjoy life again.
Alcyan: is this the reason why prefer women to men in SL or even RL?
Jessica (jessica4u2): In SL I do prefer women, more so the company of women because there’s a better understanding of what I’m going through, in RL, NO.
But that’s where the SAFE part comes in, emotional safety. I have better control of happiness here.
Alcyan: Tana , you prefer girls in RL too
Tana (girlie.lane): ❋ ⓎⒺⓈⓈⓈ ❋ ㋡
Alcyan: Jess, you think safety doesn’t come with a man here or in RL?
Jessica (jessica4u2): I need and needed to be among my own kind, if you will. To retreat emotionally. ): I wasn’t looking for a relationship here, but sometimes you connect with someone and they become a part of your life, your sanity if you will. That’s where Tana comes in. She’s very loyal, loving and understanding, we do fight though lol.
I guess an underlying reason for a women’s only club may be because thats what I needed, but it seems so do others.
Alcyan: last question ladies, one line each please
Jessica (jessica4u2): Far from that, for me, its finding myself again, who I am as a person.
Tana (girlie.lane): for me it's the social connection, and shopping , sexual experiences are nice but i don't have to have it here to have a good time