VOL Parish Weekly Bulletin November 6, 2016 | Page 2

November 6, 2016 Thirty - Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Views From The Pews 2 Did You Know? Tim writes, “I told the parking lot attendant about your prayer and he hugged me. It is great. My mom took me to a novena to St. Jude before I started college because we had no money to pay for it. Still sing St. Jude’s praises. Peace.” “Before I led a cheer for the Saints after the 8 am Mass last Sunday, I told the congregation I would be sending our Saints cheer/prayer to God through St. Jude. He is, of course, the Saint of the Impossible. Obviously, St. Jude was listening. By the way, Tim is an attorney. Obviously St. Jude listened to his mom and him as well.” Diana writes, “With all the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, I have always cherished my hour of quiet adoration with the Lord. On occasion, though, people talk. One incident when the talking was going on, students were in the chapel. The people who were talking were oblivious of the puzzled looks they were getting from some of the students as they were trying to read their prayer books. On another occasion, someone received a phone call on their cell and instead of going outside proceeded to talk in the chapel. How can we expect our children to respect God and his house if we as adults don’t.” “We will place a new sign outside the chapel reinforcing that cell phones should be silenced and that no talking is allowed. Thanks for writing. I agree with you that we adults should be a good example to our children.” Fr. Mike Substance Addiction Ministry The first VOL SAM meeting will be held Tuesday, November 15th @ 7 p.m. in the Church Chapel. SAM is a parishbased ministry that is designed to provide a safe, confidential place for people touched by addiction to share their personal experiences with others. SAM provides general educational information about addiction through professionals in this field. SAM’s mission is to offer help, healing, hope, and support to anyone who are afflicted with or affected by addictions. Our mission's goal is to help these individuals reconnect with self, loved ones, and God. We are available to people of all faiths. The group does not provide professional diagnosis, therapy, counseling or treatment; that is left to the professionals. We do however provide a list of referrals of local addiction facilities and professionals that we have already had come speak at our group meetings. The average age of the American priests who were ordained this year was thirty—five. Fr. Mike Days of Mercy every Wednesday at Visitation of Our Lady Church 5:15 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. Confessions & Divine Mercy Chaplet 6:30 p.m. Evening Prayer or Mass* *Year of Mercy Mass ~ November 16 Eucharistic Adoration Christ suffer ed and died for Y OU. His love for you is unfathomable. It’s time to take time for Him. Visit him during Eucharistic Adoration on Thursday, November 17th in the Day Chapel. Call the Pastoral Center at 347-2203 to be placed on the Adoration schedule. Drop ins are ALWAYS welcome!! Altar Flowers The flowers that beautify the altar this weekend were donated in memory of: Servio Cortes & Alejandrina Cortes Also, for favors received & for peace around the world. Please call the Pastoral Center at 347-2203, if you would like to donate flowers to honor a loved one, in thanksgiving, or other remembrance.