VOL Parish Weekly Bulletin May 22, 2016 | Page 2

May 22, 2016 The Most Holy Trinity Views From The Pews 2 Did You Know? Several of you have great things to say about the Ice Cream Social we had after the Vigil Mass last Saturday. Here is what Carol says, “I like pizza and I love cookies. I especially love anything for free. But you can’t beat ice cream sundaes. They are truly one of God’s greatest gifts. Thanks for indulging us.” “As usual, I don’t deserve the thanks. Our fabulous Hospitality Ministry comes up with the ideas and does all the work. The hospitality ministers deserve mucho thanks.” Steve writes, “My name is Steve and I am a Baptist. I went to a funeral you did recently and it was the best funeral I ever attended. It sounded as if you knew my aunt all her life. I don’t know how you did it. You captured perfectly who she was. I also loved how you talked about God’s love and mercy. Most of the time I feel bummed out when I go to a funeral. You made me feel super. I came to your Mass this weekend but you didn’t preach. I’ll have to come back. I love being a Baptist and have no plans to change, especially to being a Catholic. Why don’t you become Baptist.” “Thanks for the compliments, but I am almost 73-years-old. I have spent all of those years as a Catholic and have loved every one of them. I will die a Catholic and I will look down from heaven with great joy as one of my brother priests celebrates a funeral Mass for me. God bless you.” Father Mike Eucharistic Adoration Christ suffer ed and died for Y OU. His love for you is unfathomable. It’s time to take time for Him. Visit him during Eucharistic Adoration on Thursday, May 26th in the Day Chapel. Call the Pastoral Center at 347-2203 to be placed on the Adoration schedule. Drop ins are ALWAYS welcome!! As our presidential election approaches, I saw the following poll and found it interesting. The Pew Research Center polled American adults to determine whether there is a connection between education and people who consider themselves as consistently liberal in their political views Here are the results. I CONSIDER MYSELF CONSISTENTLY LIBERAL Post Graduate Work College Degree Some College High School or Less 31% 24% 12% 5% -Father Mike Days of Mercy every Wednesday at Visitation of Our Lady Church 5:15 pm - 6:15 pm Confessions & Divine Mercy Chaplet 6:30 pm Evening Prayer or Mass* 7:15 pm Adult Faith Formation *Mass will be celebrated on the following evenings: June 29, September 14, November 2 & November 16