May 1, 2016
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Views From The Pews
Did You Know?
Sharon writes, “I will never look at a
roach the same way again. I will still
run away from them. I will still get the
pest control man to get rid of them, but I
will also think about who am I treating
like a roach and I hope I will try to be nicer to them.”
“Sharon is referring to the homily I gave at the
8am and 7pm Masses last weekend. I told the story of
Franz Kafka’s novel, ‘The Metamorphosis.’ The main
character in the novel turns into a huge roach and can
return to being a person only if he is loved by others.
That doesn’t happen. Even his family is repulsed by
him. Eventually, his despair is so deep, he dies. I told
the story because in last Sunday’s Gospel passage, Jesus
says he gives us a new commandment; get rid of an ‘eye
for an eye’ and love as He loves. So, since Jesus loves
all, so must we. We must love even the world’s
figurative cockroaches. I closed the homily by asking
everyone to write a list of those they treat like roaches
and then begin the process of treating them as Christ
would. In other words, we don't have to LIKE them, but
we must LOVE them.
If you don’t understand the distinction between
like and love, give me a call. I’d be happy to talk with
you about it.”
Father Mike
A recent national poll of Americans on abortion came
up with the following.
-68% opposes using tax dollars for abortions.
-61% support banning abortions after 20 weeks.
-80% of women would ban abortions after 12 weeks.
-33% who say they are pro Choice nonetheless believe
abortion is morally wrong.
Father Mike
Days of Mercy every Wednesday
at Visitation of Our Lady Church
5:15 pm - 6:15 pm
Confessions & Divine Mercy Chaplet
6:30 pm
Evening Prayer or Mass*
7:15 pm
Adult Faith Formation
*Mass will be celebrated on the following evenings:
June 29, September 14, November 2 & November 16
The Ascension of the Lord Thursday, May 5th
Holy Day Obligation is transferred to
Sunday, May 8th 2016.
Collection for Zachary Oburo
The Second Collection taken at all Masses
next weekend, May 7th & 8th, will go towards
soon to be Father Zachary Oburo, the African
seminarian who spent a summer with us two
years ago. Please be generous. Ugandan
priests receive no salary.
With your
generosity, perhaps Father Zachary can buy a
used vehicle.
18th Annual Mother’s Day Rosary Crusade for
Life with Mass and Eucharistic Adoration
Saturday, May 7th
8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
St. Angela Merici Church
Archbishop Gregory Aymond
& Fr. Beau Charbonnet