March 4 , 2018 Third Sunday of Lent 3
Mass Intentions
Saturday , March 3 5:00 p . m . The Tran Family , Nilton Vedros , Linda Aucoin , Rhett Christiana , Alvin & Nora Bealer , Madeline & Nick Christiana , Sr ., Tom & Lena Cavallo , Woodrow Hebert , Lena Richard , John Oncale , Wheldon Boyd , Dot Tourelle , Cindy Morales Ribaul , Dale Ana-Maria Carriere , Lloyd Robichaux , Eugene Boudreaux , Julie Sobert Boudreaux , Ronald “ Tiger ” Laurent , Vincent H . Nuzzo , Bridget Legendre , Susan Keating , Betty K . Fasullo , Josephine M . Fasullo , Philip A . Fasullo , Sr ., Paul J . Fasullo , Sr ., Escolastica Hera , Antonio Limjuco , Phil Lefebvre , Raymond John Ford , M / M Wilbert Kinler , Sr ., M / M Russell Ford , The Phillips Family , Steve Nance , Frank Adams , Peter Tran , Jim Adair , Troy Dean Williams , II , Ezelda Lee , Michael LeLeaux , Meo Thi Nguyen
Sunday , March 4 8:00 a . m . Parishioners 10:00 a . m . Kay Brandau , Laura & Chester Hebert , Golzie Joseph Danos , Jr ., Joshua Ledet , Dorothy Danos Guidry , Ernie Miguez , Jimmy LeBlanc , Sr ., The Macloud Family , Lupe Betanof , Lui Betanof , Hari Betanof , Genevieve Dino , Jesse Dino , Donnie Dino , Philip & Emma Arnold , Rodney J . Folse , Theresa Folse , Emile France Family , Earl Baudoin Family , Vincent Leco Family , Shaun Hartman , Clifton Falgout , Marlene Hernandez , Roy Allemand , Sr ., Marie Allemand , M / M Marcelino Melendreras , M / M Pedro Gomez , Linda Guillot , Brandon Guillot , Sr ., Sally Jolet , JoAnn Zar , Mrs . Perla Saludes , Gary Berthelot , Sr ., Mary Ramos , Maria Ford , Alice Robichaux 12:00 p . m . Kimberly Benesch 7:00 p . m . Adam Chartier , Sr .
Monday , March 5 |
7:00 a . m . |
Poor Souls in Purgatory |
8:30 a . m . |
Meo Thi Nguyen |
Tuesday , March 6 |
7:00 a . m . |
Evrett Rooney |
8:30 a . m . |
Carol Vignes |
Wednesday , March 7 |
7:00 a . m . |
Dolores Reiser |
8:30 a . m . |
Giovanni Taravella |
Thursday , March 8 |
7:00 a . m . |
Kacky Kettenring |
8:30 a . m . |
Wilfredo ( Fred ) S . Custodio |
Friday , March 9 |
7:00 a . m . |
Rose May |
8:30 a . m . |
Rosalie Jones |
�� Weekly Collections
The Second Collection taken at all Masses last weekend for the Church in Central & Eastern Europe totaled $ 3,061.26 . Thank you for your generous donations !
2017-2018 Fiscal Year WEEKLY BUDGETED NEED $ 18,087.00
33rd week
Sunday , February 25 , 2018 Envelopes $ 13,506.97 Loose 1,475.61
$ 14,982.58
Cumulative Budget |
$ 633,045.00 |
Cumulative Income |
611,705.79 |
- $ 21,339.21 |
Priests ’ Mass Schedule
Please keep in mind that the schedule is always subject to change without notice .
Week of March 5th - March 11th Monday 7 a . m . & 8:30 a . m . Fr . Mike / Dc . Jim R . Tuesday 7 a . m . Fr . Francis & 8:30 a . m . Fr . Mike Wednesday 7 a . m . Fr . Mike & 8:30 a . m . Fr . Francis Thursday 7 a . m . Fr . Francis & 8:30 a . m . Fr . Mike Friday 7 a . m . & 8:30 a . m . Fr . Francis / Dc . Jim V .
Saturday 5 p . m . Fr . Francis
Sunday 8 a . m . & 10 a . m . Fr . Francis Noon Fr . Mike ( Baptisms by Dc . Jim V .) 7 p . m . Fr . Mike
Irish Italian Social following 5pm Mass VOL Shrine Garden
LOOKING FOR DESSERTS ! Please bring an Irish / Italian themed dessert . Donations may be dropped off before 5 pm Mass in the Church Meeting Room .