VOL Parish Weekly Bulletin March 19, 2017 | Page 2

March 19 , 2017 Third Sunday of Lent 2
Views From The Pews
Several of you ask about last week ’ s news that Pope Francis says he may be open to married priests . Alex is one of them . Alex asks , “ I heard that Pope Francis said that he is willing to allow priests to be married . Is that true ? “
“ We don ’ t know specifics yet . However , in an interview with a German newspaper , Pope Francis said he would broadly consider ordaining married men for those countries where there are far too few priests to adequately serve Catholics . The pope made it abundantly clear that he is not advocating an end to celibacy for men who are already priests or for single men who enter seminary . He is , though , giving consideration to ordaining already married men who are living holy lives who live in areas where there is a great need for priests .
In Africa , Asia and Latin America , Catholics sometimes go months without Mass and Communion because of how few priests there are in those sections of the world . In Brazil , for example , there are approximately 8,000 Catholics for each priest . In effect , the Pope is saying the Church must decide whether universal celibacy for priests is worth depriving the faithful of Mass and Confession .
For years , Eastern Rite priests who are in union with Rome have been allowed to marry . In addition , some married Protestant ministers who converted to Catholicism have been ordained as priests and remain married . Celibacy has been strongly encouraged by the Church since the beginning , but celibacy was not required for more than half of the Church ’ s 2,000 year history . Peter , our first Pope , for example , was married .”
Fr . Mike
Every Friday Evening during Lent ( except Good Friday ) 5 p . m . - 8 p . m . in the Cafeteria
Menus are available in the literature rack in the foyer of church .
Mass & Stations
Mass is celebrated at 6 p . m . every Friday evening during Lent . Stations of the Cross immediately follows Mass . This traditional journey to Calvary , using texts from Holy Scripture , has been a consolation and source of faith and grace to many . The Church grants to those who participate in the Way of the Cross a plenary indulgence .
Did You Know ?
Sixty - one percent of the refugees who were allowed into the United States last year are Christian . Twenty - two percent are Muslim .
Fr . Mike


March 25th - 9am - 12pm March 26th - 9am - 2pm VOL Cafeteria
Photography by Carolyn
NOLA Catholic Nights of Confession
Confession will be available in all parishes
Wed ., March 22 , Wed ., March 29 , & Wed ., April 5
5 p . m . - 6:30 p . m .
Substance Addiction Ministry Meeting March 28th @ 7 pm Meeting will be held upstairs in the Pastoral Center .
The Substance Abuse Ministry ( SAM ) offers a safe , confidential place for people touched by addiction to share their personal experiences with others . The ministry is open to both those afflicted with or affected by substance addiction .
SAM provides general educational information about addiction through professionals in this field and is open to people of all faiths .
The group does not provide professional diagnosis , therapy , counseling or treatment , but provides a list of referrals of local addiction facilities and professionals .
For more information contact Deacon Jerry Labadot at 495-5820 .