VOL Parish Weekly Bulletin June 7, 2015 | Page 2

June 7, 2015 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Views From The Pews Anonymous writes, “I am so mad I can’t see straight. I parked for the 12 o’clock Mass over at school. The parking lot was kind of full but there were empty spots by the school. On the way over to church I saw two cars and a truck parked in illegal zones. Can’t they read??????? Don’t they care????????? If a fire engine needed to come in they probably could not make it because some uncaring church goer (can you believe it) parked illegally to save maybe 40 seconds of walking. It just makes me furious.” “I didn’t see it. Had a full day. Worked from 6 am to 8:20 pm. I don’t know if I would have gotten “furious” had I seen it, but I do know I would have been disappointed. It’s a shame. As our signs say, people who park in no parking zones put others lives in danger because, as you put it, emergency vehicles might not be able to get to people who need help. PLEASE! Do not park in fire zones.” At last week’s Pastoral Council meeting, a member recommended that I preach away from the ambo. The member said he believes I am more animated and, therefore, more effective when I roam about the altar. I tried it at my Masses, asking the parishioners at those Masses whether they like it better. I got three responses. It’s a small sample, but all three say they like it better that way. “I will do it that way for the next few weeks. Please let me know your preference. It takes me more time to prepare to preach without notes in front of me, but I will definitely do it that way if that’s your preference.” 2 Did You Know? Twenty-three percent of Americans say they have no religious affiliation. Here’s how it breaks down by age. Silent Generation (1928-1945) 11% Baby Boomers (1946-1964) 17% Generation X (1965-1980) 23% Older Millenials (1981-1995 34% Younger Millenials (1990-1996) 36% Fr. Mike The Young Adult Ministry Office for the Archdiocese of New Orleans is currently accepting applications to join its planning council. If you are interested in serving young adults, planning events and helping with other projects throughout the community please contact Fr. Daniel by email: [email protected] or call (504) 347-2203 for more information. Father Mike Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Are you or someone you know interested in becoming Catholic? If you answered “Yes” then please read on... In August we will begin our next class for adults interested in learning about the Catholic faith using the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults or RCIA. These classes are for the un-baptized, those baptized in another Christian faith who wish to become Catholic, and for baptized Catholics who have not yet received the sacraments of First Communion or Confirmation or who received little or no instruction in the Catholic faith as children. If you are interested in registering or need additional info., please call the Pastoral Center at 347-2203. R.C.I.A. begins in August and meets on a weekly basis at 7 p.m. in the church meeting room. @volparish /volparish /visitationofourlady @volparish i|á|àtà|ÉÇ Éy bâÜ _twç ctÜ|á{ ãxÄvÉÅxá gÜtÇá|à|ÉÇtÄ WxtvÉÇ ctâÄ VÄtÜ~44 Deacon Paul will be interning at VOL through December in preparation for his ordination to the priesthood. Deacon Paul is originally from Ohio, and has called New Orleans home for the last 9 years. Please give him your BEST VOL welcome!