June 25, 2017
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Views From The Pews
Did You Know?
Stacey writes, “Please consider putting
benches by entrance of church for elderly
and handicapped to sit while waiting for
family to pick them up.
“Consider it done.”
Several of you say essentially the same thing as Eugenie
about my weekend homily on not feeling guilty if we
don’t have “Seventh Heaven feelings” when we receive
Communion but rather being motivated to do Christ-like
things because Jesus is inside of us, literally becoming
part of us. Eugenie says, “Thank you so much. I have
always felt guilty that I don’t have wonderful emotional
highs when I get Communion. I kind of thought I was the
only one and I just always felt terrible.”
“Those who get tremendous emotional highs when
they receive Communion are rare and are greatly
blessed. However, ALL of us should recognize that the
host metabolizes and becomes part of us. And, of
course, the reality that the Son of God is part of us
should motivate us to be Christ-like to everyone we
Father Mike
The Pastoral Center will be
CLOSED on the following days:
Tuesday, June 27 & Wednesday, June 28th
Monday, July 3rd & Tuesday, July 4th
The percentage of 25-to-35-year-olds living in their
parents homes has jumped to 15%, up 50% since the year
2000. Don’t tell them they must go to Mass. That would
be counterproductive. Do, however, come to Mass
yourselves and invite them to join you. The cliché is true.
Actions speak louder than words.
Father Mike
Substance Abuse Ministry Meeting
The next SAM meeting will be held Tuesday, June 27
upstairs in the Pastoral Center at 7 p.m.
The Substance Abuse Ministry (SAM)
offers a safe, confidential place for people
touched by addiction to share their personal
experiences with others.
The ministry is open to both those afflicted with or
affected by substance addiction.
SAM provides general educational information about
addiction through professionals in this field and is open to
people of all faiths.
The group does not provide professional diagnosis,
therapy, counseling or treatment, but provides a list of
referrals of local addiction facilities and professionals.
For more info contact Deacon Jerry Labadot at 495-5820.
By: Damian Zablocki (VOL Summer Intern)
“O Sacrament Most Holy, Sacrament Divine, all praise and all thanksgiving be forever Thine!”
Last week we celebrated one of the most beautiful feasts of the year, the Feast of the Body and Blood
of our Lord Jesus Christ, also known as Corpus Christi. There is a famous musical called The Naughty
Marietta. This musical contains a love song sung between two of the characters, entitled “ Ah, Sweet
Mystery of Life,” written by Victor Herbert (actually pronounced HER-BERT, unlike down the bayou...).
This song was actually written by Herbert upon his conversion to Catholicism and learning of the Holy
Eucharist. Are we inspired in such a way after receiving the Holy Eucharist? Read the words in the
context of the Holy Mass and this great Sacrament of love! Hopefully it leaves you with the same
revelation and sentiment!
~Ah! Sweet mystery of life at last I’ve found thee! Ah! I know at last the secret of it all; All the longing, seeking, striving,
waiting, yearning.
~The burning hopes, the joy and idle tears that fall! For ‘tis love, and love alone, the world is seeking, and ‘tis love, and
love alone, that can repay! ‘'Tis the answer, ‘tis the end and all of living.
~For it is love alone that rules for aye! Love, and love alone, that can repay! “'Tis the answer, ‘tis the end and all of living.
For it is love alone that rules forever!