VOL Parish Weekly Bulletin June 14, 2015 | страница 2
June 14, 2015
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Views From The Pews
Did You Know?
Approximately 50 of you have opinions this
week about whether I should preach from
behind the ambo or whether I should move
about on the altar. Virtually all of you say
you prefer me moving about. Here are a few of the
Stephen says, “I pay better attention when you are moving
Macie says, “I like it better because you seem more
It takes me more time to prepare a homily when
I move about than when I am behind the ambo. I
have a fully scripted homily when I’m behind the
ambo; and although I don’t read it, it’s a security
blanket. If I forget where I want to go next, I use the
script as a guide. When I move about, I operate from
bullet points on a 3 X 5 card. However, I don’t look at
the card when I’m moving about. So, I need to spend
a reasonable amount of time at the last minute getting
the bullet points memorized. It takes me less time to
type a script than to memorize the sequence of points I
want to make.
Rachel says, “Either way is fine with me, but I get your
point better when you use your hands to drive home a point
and you do that a lot more when you are not behind the
“Thank you for your advice. The vote is in and
the winner seems to be for me to move about. So, I will.”
Father Mike
Altar Flowers
The flowers that beautify the altar this weekend
were donated in memory of:
Rhett Christiana
Please call the Pastoral Center at
347-2203, if you would like to donate
flowers to honor a loved one, in
thanksgiving, or other remembrance.
Father Mike
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Are you or someone you know interested in
becoming Catholic? If you answered “Yes” then
please read on...
In August we will begin our next class for adults
interested in learning about the Catholic faith using the Rite
of Christian Initiation of Adults or RCIA. These classes are
for the un-baptized, those baptized in another Christian faith
who wish to become Catholic, and for baptized Catholics
who have not yet received the sacraments of First
Communion or Confirmation or who received little or no
instruction in the Catholic faith as children.
If you are interested in registering or need additional
info., please call the Pastoral Center at 347-2203.
R.C.I.A. begins in August and meets on a weekly
basis at 7 p.m. in the church meeting room.
Prayer for Protection against
Storms and Hurricanes
Our Father in Heaven, through the intercession of
Our Lady of Prompt Succor, spare us during this
Hurricane Season from all harm. Protect us and our
homes from all disasters of nature. Our Lady of Prompt
Succor, hasten to help us. We ask this through Christ
our Lord. Amen.