VOL Parish Weekly Bulletin July 1, 2018 | Page 2

July 1, 2018 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Views From The Pews 2 Did You Know? Literally hundreds of you have showered me with your goodbyes, love, tears and gifts. Cheryl is one of them. She writes, in part, “Thank you for your understanding in so many different situations and compassion for others...I have always loved VOL. You are one of the reasons I loved it so much...I don't think I ever realized what a Good Steward was before you came to VOL. Because of you I promise to continually try to do my best at being one...Thank you for your kindness...I feel I am a better person because you have been in my life. You will be out of sight but never out of mind.” “Thank you so much for your beautiful words. I will treasure them always.” I have spent more than 1,000,000 seconds being your servant. It has been the happiest period of my life. Anonymous writes, “I really do kind of like you Father Mike, but I have warned you over and over that you do not do nearly enough to keep us on budget. As I expected, you will be leaving us in debt. It looks to me that our collections this year will be $40,000 below budget.” “I suspect that collections this fiscal year will fall short of budget approximately $35,000. However, because of other income and prudent expense cuts, we will pay all out bills and do so on time. Please give me a going away gift. Give Father Braud at least a year before you become the burr under his saddle. God Bless you.” Father Mike Why do we do what we do? The Mass Explained Week 3 on The Liturgy of the Eucharist & The Concluding Rites Wednesday, July 11th 6:00pm in the Main Body of Church All are welcomed! Father Mike Want to dig deeper into your Catholic faith? We can help. Visitation of Our Lady Parish will be offering The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Program (RCIA) beginning this August. The RCIA Program is designed for adults 18 and over who are:    unbaptized baptized in another Christian faith who wish to become Catholic baptized Catholics who have not yet received the sacraments of First Communion or Confirmation, or who received little or no instruction in the Catholic faith as children. Classes are held every Wednesday from August to April at 7 p.m. in the Visitation of Our Lady Church meeting room. The classes are interesting and fun. And there are NO TESTS. For more information, call Fr. Francis at (504)347-2203. First RCIA class starts August 29, 2018.