VOL Parish Weekly Bulletin January 8, 2017

Mass Schedule ��Saturday Vigil 5 p . m . ��Sunday 8 a . m ., 10 a . m ., Noon & 7 p . m . ��Mon . -Fri . 7 a . m . & 8:30 a . m .
Pastoral Center Monday-Friday 8:00 a . m . - 4:00 p . m . Closed Noon - 1:00 p . m . Phone : 504-347-2203 Fax : 504-347-2223 Website : www . vol . org
Parishioners who are ill or shut-in Contact the Pastoral Center for home visits or Holy Communion
Sacrament of Penance Held 30 minutes before each weekend Mass or by appointment .
Sacrament of Marriage Couples should make an appointment with one of the parish priests 6 to 8 months in advance .
Sacrament of the Sick ( Anointing ) By appointment only . Contact the Pastoral Center .
Bulletin insert deadlines Ten working days prior to printing . Contact Parish Secretary
Religious Education Director of Religious Ed Mrs . Jenny Doskey Phone : 504-341-8477 CCD Classes begin in September RCIA Classes ( Adults ) begin in August
Visitation School Principal Mrs . Carolyn Levet , M . Ed . 3520 Ames Blvd . Phone : 504-347-3377 Grades Pre-K2 through 7th

Visitation of Our Lady Church 3500 Ames Blvd . Marrero , La . 70072 The Epiphany of Our Lord January 8th , 2017

Pastoral Center Staff Very Rev . Michael Kettenring , V . F . Pastor
Rev . Francis Nguyen Parochial Vicar
James Rooney Jim Venturella Deacons
Ms . Tiffany Durgin Office Manager
Mrs . Christie Bourg Director of Ministries
Mrs . Kelli Bourgeois Parish Secretary