VOL Parish Weekly Bulletin January 18, 2015 | Page 2

January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 2 Views From The Pews I’m the person who criticizes you sometimes for having a deficit in your collections. Congratulations, father, you now have a big surplus. What are you going to do with it? Can I cut back on my giving for awhile? “Thanks for the congrats. I appreciate them, but they belong to you and our other generous parishioners. So, please don’t say ‘your’ collections. They are ‘our’ collections. We’re all in this together. What am I going to do with the surplus? Spend it and more. We have a few unbudgeted repairs that are needed at our school. We have a mold problem upstairs in our main school building, a broken generator in Padre Hall II, and a serious air flow problem in our cafeteria. So, thank God for your generosity and the surplus. Revenue is at this time more than we budgeted, but so are expenses. Having said that, the answer to your final question is ‘I hope not.’ Please don’t cut back on your giving.” Fr. Mike “Childbearing is seen as a curse instead of as a gift to society.” -Dr. Marguerite Duane, a family practitioner in Wash., D.C. who joined other women in front of the White House Aug. 1 to protest the federal contraception mandate. As we approach the annual observance in protest of Roe v. Wade on January 22nd I want to encourage all of us to renew our support to the pro-life movement. The Respect Life Committee is offering a bus ride to the Louisiana Right to Life March on January 24th. This is a great way to add your voice to the millions of Americans who stand against abortion each year. Let us not be silent or support the idea that childbearing is a curse. Eucharistic Adoration Christ suffer ed and died for Y OU. His love for you is unfathomable. It’s time to take time for Him. Visit Him during Eucharistic Adoration on Thursday, January 22 in the Day Chapel. Call the Pastoral Center at 347-2203 to be placed on the Adoration schedule. Drop ins are ALWAYS welcome!! Respect Life & Knights of Columbus Office Closed The Pastoral Center will be CLOSED Monday, January 19th, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. In the event of an emergency or death, please call 341-7609. Did You Know? Because collections did not grow last year, we reduced our expenses, including giving no one a raise. That is the major reason why, despite a relatively modest 3% growth in collections so far this fiscal year, we are currently experiencing a welcome surplus. Father Mike Baby Bottle Campaign for Access Pregnancy After all masses THIS weekend, January 17th and 18th, the Respect Life Committee and Knights of Columbus will be handing out baby bottles as a fundraiser to benefit the Access Pregnancy and Referral Center. “Access” offers many services for unplanned pregnancy such as pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, professional counseling services, and prenatal care. To participate, simply take one baby bottle home per family beginning this weekend, fill it with a donation of cash or checks written to Access Pregnancy and return your bottle with your donation into the baskets that will be in the vestibule of the Church beginning the first week in February. Thank you for participating in this pro-life cause.