Vol 2, Issue 19 | Page 10

We want to give a gift to the the country and that gift is brand new kidney, brand new liver. Just imagine if we are able to tell someone that tomorrow onwards you will have no need to go for dialysis, what better gift can there be bigger than this?

Just imagine those we are cancer patients, and they go even to the extent of taking Morphine to manage their pain. And it is all known. And now them, without pain, without having recourse to Morphine, if they sit in the bath tub which I have shown you, then within half an hour if they get the same the pain relief effect which comes from Morphine. They have to sit two times in a day. This if we can tell to the cancer patients, that hereafter there is no need for you to take Morphine for pain, then will this not be a great gift for them.

Then through this book, and through our clinics that are there, through our hospitals, we want to give this gift, on this Diwali. And now your liver condition, your kidney condition, whatever it may be apparently, you can expect a brand new kidney, a brand new liver. And for that, you need to do just this, that just go through the book which has been launched today or the demonstration that I have done just now, which you might have seen, begin this and this is a very safe method.

And for next time, I have this request for you. If you find any person who is saying that I am going for dialysis, or that I have to go for my kidney transplant, then give them this book, definitely. There is a solution in this and I hope that by this Diwali, or by the end of this year, the words like dialysis and transplant will become as obsolete as pager became obsolete after the arrival of mobile. Then we recall this as a memory that people used to go for dialysis, kidney transplants used to happen, then all these things will become of the past. This is what is our desire, and we are working based on this hope alone.

On being asked how you will make rural people aware of this ..

See, to make people aware in our country, we have more than one thousand people whom we call as paramedic, postural medicine paramedic, they have already been trained. And after training alone we have called this press conference. Imagine like this, that in almost in every city, every town there will atleast be one representative of our’s. That representative ... what we do is, when a patient contacts us, from whichever town he might be, whichever city he might be, we connect up with them. Our representative or the paramedic, Postural Medicine Paramedic, they have also begun spreading such kind of an awareness in their their city or village

And in the coming days, Manishji is going to tell, that in this year alone, there will be 100 clinics all over the country. These will continuously progress this method and people will be made to be aware of them.

A Wonderful Gift

by Dr.Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury and Acharya Manish

to Whole of the World