Multicultural Youth Leadership Summit 2015
The Office of Multicultural Affairs hosted the annual Multicultural Youth Leadership Summit (MYLS) on October 13, 2015
at South Towne Exposition Center. Two thousand students, educators, and civic/community leaders attended. Speakers
included Governor Gary R. Herbert, Lt. Governor Spencer J. Cox, Ernesto Mejia and Porter Ellett of CoolSpeak, State Senator
Luz Escamilla, and State Reps. Rebecca Chavez-Houck and Sophia DiCaro.
Save the Date for the 2016 Multicultural Youth Leadership Summit! October 3, 2016 at The Calvin L. Rampton Salt
Palace Convention Center. Visit for more information.
Students pose for a photo at the 2015 Multicultural Youth Leadership Summit.
Nolan Bullethead of Union High School
addresses his fellow students.
Students attend a breakout session.
Students take a selfie at the 2015 MYLS.
1 3 | V O I C E S | M C A . U TA H . G O V
Lieutenant Governor Spencer J. Cox speaks
during the general session.