is a global activist movement dedicated to ending violence against all women ( cisgender and transgender ), those with fluid identities , nonbinary people , girls , and the Earth . Historically , V-Day was born out of survivors , artists , activists , volunteers , and college students who organized annual benefit performances of V ( formerly Eve Ensler )’ s play The Vagina Monologues to raise awareness and funds
V-Day has unleashed vast grassroots , anti-violence work on college campuses and in communities – visionary work that has been survivor-led and focused , all the while revealing the power of art and activism to change culture and systems . Although The Vagina Monologues has long been the cornerstone of this movement , VOICES marks a shift in focus , placing the stories of Black women at the forefront of our fight against gender based violence , colonialism , poverty , racism , and p a t r i a r c h y .