Exercise – You need to do it,
but probably not to the level
that you expect if you’re just
looking to trim back a few
pounds. Like I mentioned
earlier, a pound of weight is
equal to around 3500 calories. You burn somewhere
between 2500 and 4000
calories per day just by
being alive. Your body has
to have energy to function,
including your organs and
even your brain. Sheer existence burns calories so you
already have a head start. A
30 minute walk can burn an
extra 100-150 calories and
an intense workout can get
you an extra 800-1200 calories burned in a day. Now
add those burned calories to
your daily expenditure and
you can see that those extra
pounds you’ve added can
start to melt off pretty easily
over just a couple of weeks
just by adding some simple
movement to your day. If you
can’t find those 30 minutes
for a walk, take more walks
for a shorter duration. Take
the stairs, not just once but
every time. Park farther away
from the entrance to work, or
the store, or the doctor’s office…wherever you go make
yourself move a little more
than you normal