Voices Literary Magazine Edition 1 Volume 4 | Page 17

I was your favorite when you were little. Do you remember me?" "Um... n-n-n-no" I said,

timidly. Suddenly I heard all the books saying, “Do you remember me, and me, and what about me!”

“Shhhhhhh!” I said. “No, I don’t remember any of you, I’m with technology now” All the books were watching me. Then a book on one of the shelves said softly and shyly, " You know, books are like televisions, but you can imagine the story in your mind the way you want to, and you are free to imagine whatever you want. Books help you a lot, in many different ways, and when you are reading you are learning and having fun at the same time. Want to read me?” I grabbed the book and started reading; “Wizard Of Oz”. I read the whole book non-stop. I loved reading, who knew? “I want to read more!” I said excited, “Me, me, me!” I heard.At the end of the day I had read nearly all of the books in my bookshelf.The next morning when I woke up I grabbed a book, instead of my phone, and started reading. Mom and Dad entered the room silently. Guess what sweetie?” Dad said, “You got your electronic devices back!” “Dad, Mom, I don’t need electronic devices, I have books. I’m with books now”. I smiled at the pile of books near my bed and they smiled back.