Voice to the Voiceless
Fortune Nwaiwu
Are we like fish in the hook of fishermen ? Like fish caught up in the fisherman ’ s net ? Are all skirts and trousers not a part of clothing ? Are they not made of the same material ? Why are trousers a macro-organism And skirts a micro-organism ? Why ?
No , my Africa ! Arise and educate your people , And say no to widow ' s rites ! No to ostracism , For I have been cast to despair , Abandoned like a leper , wondering when the merciful shall raise me up From the dungeon of a coma . *** The Black Woman ( Spoken by the Widower ) Black woman , you are most intelligent , a mark of Africanism !
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Slavish black woman , your thoughts are like the morning dew , wetting a burdened soul !
But would restlessness blur your reasoning and mar your African consciousness ?
All over the world ,