VOICE September 2018 | Page 4

1 in 9 people lack access to safe water. That is 844 millions of people who are lacking access to something that makes up 60% of our body.

Approximately 34% of the total homeless population are comprised of families. 84% of these families are headed by women.

But only 3-4 days without water?

According to the ACOG, being homeless is defined as the state of "an individual or family who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence." Of the homeless population, 29% of are led by women who lack education (53% of mothers lack high school diplomas), have fled from domestic and sexual violence, and have at least one unmet health need, including medical, surgical, mental health, vision, or dental care or unmet prescription needs (73% of the homeless population).

Homeless women also lack access to sanitary products; menstrual bleeding as well as its management are taboo as a public discussion subject. Within the homeless community, it is considered even more of a taboo, given the fact that shelters only provide 2 pads per cycle, whereas the average woman uses 20 pads or tampons per cycle.

Crossroads reports that since 1998, the number of individual homeless women in shelters nightly has increased by 65% to more than one hundred. However, accurately aggregated numbers are unavailable since many more women are likely to be “hidden homeless”, meaning they stay with friends or family or on the street for extended amounts of time before going to a shelter where violence and victimization may be more common.

The plight of homeless and poor women reflects the reality that supporting access to sanitary products as a first step should be a concern to all.

It is crucial for physicians to advocate for all women, especially the homeless and poor.

"34% of the total homeless population are composed of families. 84% of these homeless families are headed by women."


Homelessness and Women