Designs of a prince

Donec at massa id risus varius eleifend vitae at quam. Vivamus tristique est vitae felis vehicula mollis. Vivamus quam dolor, tempor ac gravida sit amet, porta fermentum magna. Aliquam euismod commodo nisl, vel luctus lorem fermentum quis. Nullam eu temporpurus.

Nunc a leo magna.

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velit aliquet turpis, non adipiscing mauris dui at nisi.

Nulla lobortis sagittis ligula, nec tristique nisl iaculis a.

Proin cursus mi a nunc bibendum fermentum. Integer

ultricies arcu et nunc interdumid sagittis mauris pharetra.

Duis libero leo, conse-quat ut accumsan eu, viverra et

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tortor dignissim. Donec nec lorem et tellus mollis lobortis.

Integer sed dolor ut leo porta mollis. Proin eu augue augue.

Maecenas ipsum purus, ultricies ut hendrerit ac, imperdiet et lectus.Nulla facilisi. Proin porttitor bibendum rhoncus. Praesent imperdiet nunc et sem dignissim elementum. Donec lobortis

congue fringilla. Donec consequat ornare sodales. Nunc posuere

mattis mi, ut facilisis ligula accumsan vel. In consectetur accumsan diam, eget porttitor justo luctus id. Nulla porta nibh sed lacus feugiat fringilla. Nam ut leo augue. Donec pellentesque, enim ac gravida congue, lorem velit aliquet turpis, non adipiscing mauris dui at nisi. Nulla lobortis sagittis ligula, nec tristique nisl iaculis a. Proin cursus mi a nunc bibendum fermentum. Integer ultricies arcu et nunc interdumid sagittis mauris pharetra. Duis elemen-tum aliquam eros, nec egestas orci laoreet eget.

Donec at massa id risus varius eleifend vitae at quam. Vivamus tristique est vitae felis vehicula mollis. Vivamus quam dolor, temporac gravida sit amet, porta fermentum magna.Aliquam euismod commodo nisl.

Aliquam ipsum

Aliquam varius adipiscing tempor. VOR: The readers would like to know about you? MBLovin here, I have been on IMVU since 2008, when I first started it was just to get away from reality, but then I got interested in creating. I will never forget how frustrated I would get cause I couldn’t do what was in my head. Well as time went by and I looked at every tutorial I could get my hands on, before I knew it I could make an outfit. Then from there I wanted to know more. Now I can make my own meshes. Nothing is impossible for me to learn now. Looking back I am very happy to be where I am today. All that I can make and do now compared to how I started. I have been level 4 and 5 back and forth, its frustrating but it only a label that IMVU has for creators. I have seen a lot of creators who are not pro that should be and those who are pro that shouldnt be. All I have to say is if creating is your passion, like it is for me keep going. Don’t give up!! I'm glad to meet the people I have met and the adventure is still unfolding. MB

VOR: What drives you to make your items? Believe it or not I really liked CasanovaBrown21 suites I thought they were different and I wanted to learn how to make ones like that.....so I started to look and make something simple. I started with a t-shirt....it was a female T it was alright but nothing like I wanted. I kept wanting to know more. I hate reading so I looked for as many video tutorial that i could find. And one by one I would do what the video told me to do and it was amazing how I could actually start making things. So I became addicted so creating.....but in a good way.

VOR: Can you tell the readers why your designs stand out? I put a lot of love in each item I make and I want it to be different but I dont want them to be so expensive that folks go broke. I like to make things that are in the real world and bring to IMVU.

VOR: Do you think you would teach on Imvu? I would like to try, but Im still learning myself......yes I have a long way to go....I still think I can learn and be better.

VOR: How do you feel about any changes that Imvu do on the creating mode? Being a creator on IMVU is easy, but being considered a pro is a lot harder. There are tiers and to be a rated PRO you need to be Level 5 or higher. Unless you have a lot of people using their promo credits its hard to stay pro if your items don't sell in quantity. But then quality is more important to me. Even though I fluctuate from non pro to pro.......I always keep a pro attitude..... I really feel that the IMVU criteria shouldn't go by how many points you get rather than the quality of your work. But that is only my opinion.

VOR: What is your future on Imvu? I hope to keep creating and one day make this a part or full time career. I love to create and love to learn. I do want to learn how to animate and make clothing next. I keep giving myself goals



We stop by to chat with


real world and bring to IMVU.



VOR: Our readers would like to know about you?

MBLovin: Well, I have been on IMVU since 2008, when I first started it was just to get away from reality, but then I got interested in creating. I will never forget how frustrated I would get cause I couldn’t do what was in my head. As time went by and I looked at every tutorial I could get my hands on, before I knew it, I could make an outfit. Then from there I wanted to know more. Now I can make my own meshes. Nothing is impossible for me to learn now. Looking back I am very happy to be where I am today. All that I can make and do now compared to how I started. I have been at level 4 and 5 back and forth, its frustrating but it's only a label that IMVU has for creators. I have seen a lot of creators who are not at pro level that should be and those who are pro that shouldn't be. All I have to say is if creating is your passion, like it is for me, keep going. Don’t give up!! I'm glad to meet the people I have met and the adventure is still unfolding.

VOR: What drives you to make your items?

MBLovin: Believe it or not, I really liked CasanovaBrown21 suites, I thought they were different and I wanted to learn how to make ones like that.....so I started to look and make something simple. I started with a t-shirt....it was a female t-shirt, it was alright but nothing like I wanted. I kept wanting to know more.

I hate reading, so I looked for as many video tutorial that I could find. And one by one I would do what the video told me to do and it was amazing how I could actually start making things. So I became addicted to creating.....

but in a good way.

VOR: Can you tell the readers why your designs stand out?

MBLovin: I put a lot of love in each item I make and I want it to be different but I dont want them to be so expensive that folks go broke. I like to make things that are in the

real world and bring it to IMVU.

VOR: Do you think you would ever teach on Imvu?

MBLovin: I would like to try, but Iam still learning myself... yes I have a long way to go.

I still think I can learn and be better.

VOR: How do you feel about any changes that Imvu has on the creating mode?

MBLovin: Being a creator on IMVU is easy, but being considered a pro is a lot harder.

There are tiers and to be a rated PRO you

need to be Level 5 or higher. Unless you

have a lot of people using their promo

credits its hard to stay pro if your items

don't sell in quantity. But then quality

is more important to me. Even though I fluctuate from non-pro to pro.

I always keep a pro attitude. I really

feel that the IMVU criteria shouldn't

go by how many points you get

rather than the quality of your

work. But that is only my


VOR: What is your future on Imvu?

MBLovin: I hope to keep creating

and one day make this a part or full

time career. I love to create and

love to learn. I do want to learn how

to animate and make clothing next.

I keep giving myself goals and keep

reaching them. Always do what you

love, your passion. That's where you

do your best work.