Aliquam ac erat at neque accumsan tris-tique. Praesent id tempor nisl. Curabitur sed nulla at magna venenatis cursus vitae nec tortor. Fusce dictum fringilla.

Maecenas ipsum purus, ultricies ut hendrerit ac, imperdiet et lectus. Nulla facilisi. Proin porttitor bibendum rhoncus. Praesent imperdiet nunc et sem dignissim elementum. Donec lobortis congue fringilla. Donec consequat ornare sodales. Nunc posuere mattis mi, ut facilisis ligula accumsan vel. In consectetur accumsan diam, eget porttitor justo luctus id. Nulla porta nibh sed lacus feugiat fringilla. Nam ut leo augue. Donec pellentesque, enim ac gravida congue, lorem velit aliquet turpis, non adipiscing mauris dui at nisi. Nulla lobortis sagittis ligula, nec tristique nisl iaculis a. Proin cursus mi a nunc bibendum fermentum. Integer ultricies arcu et nunc interdum id sagittis mauris pharetra. Duis elementum aliquam eros, nec egestas orci laoreet eget. Nunc erat velit, aliquet non consectetur non, placerat eget sapien.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras et eros convallis risus ullamcorper aliquam at in odio. Quisque vitae rutrum mi. Aliquam ac erat at neque accumsan tristique. Praesent id tempor nisl. Curabitur sed nulla at magna venenatis cursus vitae nec tortor. Maecenas elit nunc, porttitor non tincidunt nec, scelerisque vel dolor. Suspendisse consectetur mauris vitae odio semper euismod. Curabitur in enim augue. Curabitur vel tincidunt odio. Integer volutpat tempus nunc, sed molestie velit pellentesque eu. Praesent dapibus enim turpis, at lacinia purus. Fusce dictum fringilla justo ut pellentesque. Vivamus eu urna dolor, id ultrices odio. Fusce sit amet sem nibh. Phasellus rhoncus imperdiet egestas.

Suspendisse consectetur mauris vitae odio semper euismod. Curabitur in enim augue. Curabitur vel tincidunt odio. Integer volutpat tempus nunc, sed molestie velit pellentesque eu. Praesent dapibus enim turpis, at lacinia purus.

Integer volutpat tempus

Fusce dictum fringilla justo ut pellentesque.

Bonkolina THE QUEEN of MESH

I had the privilege of interviewing Bonkolina. I recommend you take a peek at her catty!

http://www.imvu.com/shop/web_search.php?manufacturers_id=12033047&r=acw Bonkolina’s latest bundle, Cafe Parisien, is a must see!

Tell me about you?

Before joining IMVU, I was a partner in a small commercial web design company in Boston, MA. As commerce on the internet matured the work became more and more demanding at a time when I was ready to slow down. Eventually we sold the business, which allowed me to spend more time focusing on my interest in starting a portrait photography business, among other things. How long have you been on Imvu? I joined IMVU in April 2007. My (then) 13 year old son had signed up and I was curious to know what IMVU was about and if it was appropriate for him to be involved with it. He lost interest after a few weeks, and 7 years later I'm still here!

What was your first creations you did?/

When you did your first creations how did you feel? My first creation in IMVU was a wall hanging of one of my photographs. I remember being thrilled that people liked it enough to buy it and comment on it. So I made a few more. It didn't take long before I realized I could make things in IMVU and earn credits, rather than have to buy them! I started making more and more. I didn't expect creating to amount to anything more than something I did for fun. Over the years it has now evolved into a small and profitable business. No one was more surprised than I was by the success I've enjoyed while creating in IMVU.

Can you tell my readers what was your best product? My products are like my children, so I couldn't really say which one is best. They all have their qualities and their flaws. Each one represents something new I learned along the way, and over the years I've learned quite a lot, especially about 3D modeling. There is still much more to learn! While some products have been more successful than others, I'm not sure that sales necessarily mean those products were the best; it could be they were just more visible or popular.

If there is anything you like to change on Imvu, what would it be? Like everyone else, there are things I what would you like to see done differently by IMVU. I would like to see the client evolve technically, particularly in the areas of the ability to create reflective surfaces without doubling/mirroring and the ability to make items transparent without the blending issues. I would like to see them do a better job at protecting our content from theft. I would like to see a more thoughtful and fair response to minor TOS infractions, which has always seemed heavy-handed and unbalanced to me. That's just the short list.

This End All Questions: Please supply us with a picture of you. 4 pictures of your best work. you can send all pictures to ooosparksooo. The deadline is January 27, 2014. If you have any questions or concern you contact either contact LamarrDupress Image Folder on Photobucket: http://s41.photobucket.com/user/Bonkolina/library/IMVU2/VOR I've included links to the 4 product pictures and a link to my catalog, I'm assuming you can add links to photos in your magazine. If you need anything further, please let me know! ~B.

Products by Bonkolina