
VOR: Please tell my reader what inspire you to create on IMVU?

FrenchKiss223: I came here 6 years ago. After 2 years I became bored with just chatting and began doing framed pics.

My love of fashion kicked in and I started doing fits after doing custom homes.

I love making beautiful fits for everyone.

VOR: What was your first product and how did you feel about what you created?

FrenchKiss223:My first product was a framed picture of my avi. That was during the big head days. I thought it was cute

but her head was huge!

VOR: How did you get to IMVU? Did a family or friend bring you to this network?

FrenchKiss223: No. It happened quite by accident. I was at work one day surfing the web and I saw an ad. The pic of the avatar caught my attention.

VOR: Since you are in fashion, have you put on any fashion shows on IMVU?

FrenchKiss223: I was one of two women who did the first fashion shows on IMVU. I've done more than 15 shows for some of the best devs on the site. My partner SuthurnDlyte and I did shows for almost

2 years.

VOR: What is your goal now?

FrenchKiss223: I want to learn how to mesh. I'd love to mesh homes. Creating homes helps me relax.

VOR: To learn to mesh will it be in the fashion part of it?

FrenchKiss223: Well yes I can use it there.

That will be one of my focuses, but I'd really love to do a huge mansion, one I've seen in real life.

VOR: If there was anything you had to change on IMVU, what would it be?

FrenchKiss223: This new client sucks.

Too much on the client makes it hard for

people to stay on. Updates should be checked before rolling them out to the

end users. Oh and of course the AP thing that's really a drag.

VOR: Several months ago IMVU came up with guidelines for devs and creators to show their products. How do you feel about that?

FrenchKiss223: Well, I think it's politics. Some they just won’t show regardless of

how good they are. I'd love to have my

production advertisements, but I don't

think they'll do it. I have some decent GA fits.

VOR: How do you feel about advertising your products in malls?

FrenchKiss223: I think it's a great idea.

I love having a shop in malls. Malls are my second favorite place in real.

VOR: Do you feel that placing your products in the malls give it a more

personal touch to the customers out there?

FrenchKiss223: YES!!!! It's better than

the catty

VOR: If there is anything that you can

tell the readers about you and why?

FrenchKiss223: I'm a mother of two

girls with 3 grand princesses. I recently moved from my home in NJ to Texas.

It's hard transition so I come to IMVU to relax. No drama. Just relax and create.

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Sealed With A Kiss