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nan...Hair I am

Recently I sat down with the Nan and had a nice chat.

All of you ladies who shop the hair catty

will recognize this name!

Visit Products by Nan

VOR: What brought you to IMVU?

Nan: That’s a pretty funny story actually.

VOR: I am sure the readers would like to know how you started.

Nan: Way back in the beginnings of IMVU, my daughter became a developer here. Actually she was one of the first Pro Developers! She was young at the time, 17 or 18. When she showed me what she was doing, I decided to join myself to kind of "Watch Dog" .When she showed me how she made stuff and that people actually paid for it I was like ...Wow, I want to do that!

VOR: So what was the first product you made on here?

Nan: My first product, which in now hidden btw, was a pair of leg warmers. UGLY! I did some stickers of course, but quickly moved onto furniture and homes.

VOR: So you specialize in hair, right?

Nan: Yes that came a bit later. A few of my friend encouraged me to try making hair textures. So I did and they began to sell.

VOR: What is your most popular seller?

Nan: I hand make all my hair textures from scratch using Photoshop. Probably my Lust hair texture is my best seller.

VOR: Have you ever done a Hair show on IMVU?

Nan: My hairs have been used in many shows by other creators, but I never put one on myself.

VOR: Do you enjoy creating?

Nan: Oh yes, very much! Creating here is great, you have almost instant gratification when you apply that texture and then see the end result. I am retiring in real life soon and hope to be devoting more time here

VOR: Will you devote your time teaching others the skills?

Nan: I have done that in the past and yes plan on doing so in the future totally enjoy doing that

VOR: Have you encouraged other creators?

Nan: Oh yes, Vanilliz, one of the great shoe creators here was about to give up on her craft many years back.

I stayed on her kept telling her don’t give up.

VOR: If there was anything on IMVU you could change, what would it be?

Nan: I would like to see more quality control on the catalog.

VOR: When you say control, what do you mean?

Nan: There is so much mediocre stuff that clogs up the catalog and sometimes really good products get lost in the shuffle. I am not sure how it could be done, but maybe some kind of guidelines

VOR: How do you feel about the malls that out there for all creators and developers?

Nan: I think this is one of the best things that has come along on IMVU.

It’s a great way for creators to showcase their talents.

VOR: Do you think the Malls is a new avenue for all who developers?

Nan: Actually it's not a new concept. It was tried a few years back, but then the recession hit and IMVU took a big hit. But I do think it is a great way to help developers get their products out there. I'm glad it’s making a comeback. MrMaxMiliano has been a big influence in that happening.