
What happen to The Human Touch?

The holidays are surrounding us...and Its time to reach out and touch someone.

Hey folks don't get me wrong, I love being part of the IMUV family. But we can spent to many hours

online...escaping from a real world, just to get online and become who we really want to be.

At least half a billion people around the world are socializing through some type of social media.

I notice that this social network avenue has become a outlet for a lot of people such as myself. I do it to express myself thoughts with VOR Magazine. WHY???

Because I always wanted to be a writer on short topics, but no one would hire me...lol.

Some people do it to escape reality due to

(low self esteem, rejection, sickness, shyness, homebound, unemployed or just boredom)

It's great to be able to be someone that you always wanted to be, but fell short at it in real life..(Holla!!! "what shoe size are you????)" if you read my last article in Nov. issue you would understand that "quote".

So, I guess you can say I'm not living in reality, well guess what, yes I am....all the above statements don't pertain to me :)

Well we all know your realistic looking avarte could be more convincing than the real you...

Because, You can meet someone that you probably would never approach in real life...You can say things that you never had the guts to say face to face...You can be fit, beautiful, handsome and never age. WOW, what a world!!!

Listen up my readers, let us not forget about the Human Touch...Its much needed. So, I command you to get off your computer for a freaking moment and Tell your real wife, husband or partner you love them, kiss and hug your kids.

Visit someone who hasn't seen you since you started this life online. Call someone just to say hi (Not while you are on the computer..lol)... get a job, clean your house and walk your dog.

Happy Holidays........HOLLA!!!