my volunteering
I feel as if the kids of my generation presently are too focused on what affects them and not how they can affect the world.
v o i c e 11
Donate Toys!
Toy Donation Guidelines
To help us maintain patient safety and well-being, we ask that you follow the criteria below:
To prevent infection, we only accept new and unwrapped items.
Toys should be sturdy and free of any parts which may pinch
All craft materials (markers, glue, paints, etc.) must be non-toxic
Our Wish Lists
Items Needed the Most
Baby rattles
Interactive crib toys/musicals; mobiles that are not cloth/plush based
Generic coloring books –- no holiday reference
Soft baby dolls –- appropriate for children under three years old
Crayons –- all sizes. We have found that Crayola and PlaySkool work the best for our patients.
Markers and colored pencils –- all sizes
Super hero action figures
White artist paper
Hello Kitty items
Bubbles (bottles with no attachments)
Craft and bead kits
Play-Doh (jars with no attachments)
Pop-up toys (cause and effect)
UNO cards
Bath & Body Works sets for older girls (please no body sprays)
L.A. sports team sports swag
Baby rattles
Balls—footballs, soccer, volleyballs
Items We Cannot Accept
Plush, stuffed animals or any items with small pellets
VHS tapes
Wooden items
Glass or brittle plastic toys which can easily break and leave sharp edges
Knitted or crocheted items such as beanies, blankets, clothing
Flowers, edible gifts and holiday treats
Any items that promote violent and aggressive behavior including video games and DVDS